Book on birds

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Climate Change and High Altitude Wetlands of Arunachal Pradesh

The high altitude wetlands (HAWs) are an important category of natural wetlands found mainly in the higher reaches of the Himalayas. HAW is a generic term to describe areas of swamp, marsh, meadow, fen, peat-land or water bodies located at an altitude higher than 3000 m, above mean sea level, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or saline. In general, HAWs are areas located at altitudes between the continuous natural forest border and the permanent snowline. 
                                          A panoramic view of Shungatser Lake            
Arunachal Pradesh is ranked second in India after Jammu & Kashmir with 1672 HAWs covering a total area of 11,864 ha, accounting for about 7.6% of total wetland area of the state. Maximum number of wetlands are of small size (below 10 ha). There are no wetland of very large size (above 500 ha) in the state. Only 3 wetlands having an area of 100-500 ha have been observed2. However, very little scientific information is available for the most of these wetlands due to the remoteness, harsh climatic condition and inaccessibility of the terrain of the region. None of the HAW of the state is considered under the Ramsar site.
Nagula Lake situated at 4120 masl in Tawang 
The high altitude wetlands of Arunachal Pradesh play significant role in maintaining hydrological and ecological balance in the upstream and downstream regions. They are the source of many major rivers like Tawangchu, Nyamjangchu, Kameng, Subansiri, Siang, Dibang, and Lohit, these all are important tributaries of Brahmaputra3. They support rich diversity of gymnosperms, rhododendrons and rare medicinal plants species and provide suitable habitat for rare and threatened high altitude fauna like red panda (Ailurus fulgens), takin (Budorcas taxicolor), Chinese goral (Nemorhaedus griseus), red goral (Naemorhedus baileyi), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), snow leopard (Panthera uncia), musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster)4. HAWs are considered as sacred for their cultural and traditional belief by Buddhist community especially in Tawang, West Kameng, West Siang and Lohit districts. They are also considered as carbon sinks.
The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) is very sensitive to climate change. As per Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) report, the annual mean surface air temperature is projected to increase from 0.9±0.60C to 2.6±0.70C in the 2030s in IHR5. Arunachal Pradesh State Action Plan on Climate Change (APSPCC) has projected that maximum temperature will increase by 2.20C to 2.80C during 2030s as compared to baseline i.e. 1961-1990 and towards 2080s the increase is projected by 3.40C to 50C. Minimum temperature is projected to increase by 10C to 2.60C during 2030s and by 2.80C to 50C during 2080s. Water resource, forest and biodiversity are projected to be adversely impacted by climate change by 2030s in Arunachal Pradesh.
The fragile ecosystem and unique climatic conditions of HAW are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. They are characterized by extreme cold, dry and alpine climate conditions, particularly due to low air temperature and higher ultraviolet radiation. Researchers have also predicted hydrological and ecological response of high altitude wetlands to climate change in Himalayan region1,7.
Climate change impact on HAWs can be visualized as most significant because they provide numerous ecological services, support unique biodiversity, important for carbon sequestration, maintaining hydrological balance, livelihood benefits to dependant populace and have religious significance among indigenous communities. Therefore, there is an urgent need to undertake in-depth research studies for sound database and formulate comprehensive climate change mitigation and adaption strategies for conservation and management of pristine and vulnerable ecosystem of HAWs of Arunachal Pradesh. Education, awareness programmes, traditional ecological knowledge and community participation may also be encouraged to combat the climate change impact on HAWs of Arunachal Pradesh.
(Current Science)

Plea to study mountain lakes

Scientists have called for in-depth studies to formulate comprehensive climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for the conservation and management of high-altitude wetlands in Arunachal Pradesh.
The scientists of G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development in a paper on Climate change and high-altitude wetlands of Arunachal Pradesh in the latestissue of Current Science said climate change impact on high-altitude wetlands can be visualised as the most significant because they provide numerous ecological services, support unique biodiversity and are important for maintaining hydrological balance, livelihood benefits to dependent populace and have religious significance among indigenous communities.
“Traditional ecological knowledge and community participation may also be encouraged to combat the climate change impact on high altitude wetlands of the state,” K.S. Kanwal and others of the institute said in the paper.
Arunachal Pradesh is ranked second in India after Jammu and Kashmir with 1,672 high altitude wetlands covering an area of 11,864 hectares with about 7.6 per cent wetland.
The wetlands located at an altitude higher than 3,000 metres above sea level are an important category of natural wetlands found mainly in the higher reaches of the Himalayas.
The Arunachal Pradesh State Action Plan on Climate Change has projected that maximum temperature will increase by 2.2 degrees to 2.8 degrees Celsius during 2030’s compared to 1961-1990 and the minimum temperature will increase by 1 degree to 2.6 degrees Celsius during the same period.
Water resource, forest and biodiversity are projected to be adversely impacted by the climate change by the 2030s in Arunachal Pradesh, the action plan said.
Most of the wetlands are small in size (below 10 hectares), and there are no large-sized wetlands (above 500 hectares) in the state. Only three wetlands having an area of 100 to 500 hectares have been observed and very little information is available for most of these wetlands because of the remoteness, harsh climatic condition and inaccessibility of the terrain of the region. None of the high altitude wetlands of the state are considered under the Ramsar sites.
The wetlands are the source of many major rivers like Tawangchu, Nyamjangchu, Kameng, Subansiri, Siang, Dibang and Lohit, all important tributaries of the Brahmaputra and support the rich diversity of gymnosperms, rhododendrons and rare medicinal plants species and provide suitable habitat for rare and threatened high-altitude fauna like red panda, takin, Chinese goral, red goral, wild dog, snow leopard and musk deer.
The Buddhist community, especially in Tawang, West Kameng, West Siang and Lohit districts of Arunachal Pradesh consider the wetlands sacred.
Official sources said the state does not have any specific scheme for conservation and management of high-altitude wetlands but is taking steps to bring some of the lakes under the Ramsar Convention.

 Telegraph story 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Conservation and Management of High Altitude Wetlands of Eastern Himalaya

The ‘high altitude wetlands (HAW)’ is a generic term to describe “areas of swamp, marsh, meadow, fen, peat-land or water bodies located at an altitude higher than 3000m above mean sea level (amsl), whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or saline”. HAWs are an important category of natural wetlands found mainly in the higher elevations in the Himalayan region. HAWs are unique and pristine ecosystem of the world. Space Applications Centre, ISRO has mapped 4699 HAWs with an area of around 126125 ha in five Himalayan States viz. Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.

Arunachal Pradesh is ranked second in India after Jammu & Kashmir with 1672 HAWs covering a total area of 11,864 ha, accounting for about 7.6% of total wetland area of the state. Maximum number of wetlands are of small size (below 10 ha). There are no wetland of very large size (above 500 ha) in the state. Only 3 wetlands having an area of 100-500 ha have been observed. HAWs of the state are the source of many major rivers like Tawangchu, Nyamjangchu, Kameng, Subansiri, Siang, Dibang, and Lohit, these all are important tributaries of Brahmaputra river. In Sikkim, there are 534 HAWs covering an area around 3324 ha. They occupy around 44.5% of total wetland area of the state. Sikkim is ranked first in terms of number of lakes per 100 km2 followed by Arunachal Pradesh.  None of the HAWs of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim are considered under the Ramsar site.
HAWs of North-East Himalayan region provide number of important ecosystem goods and services to sustain livelihoods of the upstream and downstream population of the region. They are known as “water tower” on the earth. Besides, supporting unique and rich biodiversity, HAWs play crucial role to maintain hydrological and ecological balance in Eastern Himalayan region and have religious significance among local communities. They are also known as carbon ‘sinks’ and play vital role in carbon sequestration. HAWs of North-East Himalaya support rich diversity of gymnosperms, rhododendrons and rare medicinal plants species and provide suitable habitat for rare and threatened high altitude fauna like red panda (Ailurus fulgens), takin (Budorcas taxicolor), Chinese goral (Nemorhaedus griseus), red goral (Naemorhedus baileyi), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), snow leopard (Panthera uncia), musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster).
At present, HAWs are suffering from degradation, habitat fragmentation, desertification, soil erosion and anthropogenic disturbances, which are further aggravated by climate change impact. Increasing grazing pressure in the catchment areas, over exploitation of forest resources, unregulated dumping of waste, unregulated tourism leading to soil and water pollution, construction works and other developmental activities are some of the major threats being observed in the HAWs of North-East Himalaya. However, very little information is available for most of these wetlands due to the remoteness, harsh climatic condition and inaccessibility of the terrain of the region. Therefore, comprehensive information is urgently required for developing and implementing plans for conservation and sustainable management of these unique ecosystems.
Due to its unique position and rich biodiversity composition, high altitude wetlands are important indicators to understand the impact of climate change. They are characterized by extreme cold, dry and alpine climate conditions, particularly due to low air temperature and higher ultraviolet radiation. Scientific information on climate change impacts on HAWs is unavailable for North-East Himalayan region. Therefore, researchers have suggested an urgent need to carry out in-depth studies for assessment of climate change impacts on HAWs ecosystem. These studies will help to frame a comprehensive climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for conservation of HAWs of North-East Himalaya. The North-Eastern states do not have any specific scheme for conservation and management of high-altitude wetlands but efforts are being made by Govt to bring more HAWs under Ramsar Convention. National programme for conservation and management of wetlands offered 100% assistance for survey and investigation and conservation and management of wetlands.
A multidisciplinary scientific approach need to be adopted for conservation and management of HAWs of North-East Himalaya. HAWs conservation and management programs can be implemented with the help of academicians, research institutions, Govt departments, NGOs and local communities. Comprehensive research and development activities on physical, biological and social aspects of HAWs, documentation of traditional ecological knowledge, organization of community awareness and education programmes may also play pivotal role in conservation and sustainable management of HAWs of North-East Himalaya.

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